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JIS Work Programme

(1)JIS Work Programme

This page publicizes the work programme on JIS development based on the WTO/TBT agreement. The work programme list contains the title and No. of JIS, stages attained in the standard's development, and the secretariat of the JIS drafting committee.

Stage / Work status
Stage Work status
1 Decision has been taken to develop a new and revised JIS
2 Deliberation has been started under JISC (or Accredited SDO※)
3 Public comment currently being implemented
4 Public comment already ended
5 JIS has been published


Standards Board
Civil Engineering
Metal and Inorganic Material
Basic Engineering
Chemical Products and Analytical Methods
Machine Elements
Industrial Machinery
Transport and Distribution of Goods
Consumer Life Products
Medical Equipment
Assistive Technology
Conformity Assessment, Management System and Service

Electrotechnology Standards Board
Electricity Technology
Information Technology

Revised JIS

Standards Board
Civil Engineering
Metals and Inorganic Materials
Basic Engineering
Chemical Products and Analytical Methods
Machine Elements
Industrial Machinery
Transport and Distribution of Goods
Consumer Life Products
Medical Equipment
Assistive Technology
Conformity Assessment, Management System and Service

Electrotechnology Standards Board
Electricity Technology
Information Technology

(2)Participation in the JIS development process

If you wish to participate in the drafting process of a JIS listed in the JIS Work Programme, submit a document to JISC in Japanese which contains:
1) Title of the JIS
2) Personal history which explains your relevance with the JIS
3) Summary of your opinion
Please note that the working language in the JIS drafting committee is Japanese, and participants shall bear the necessary cost to attend the meetings or to submit comments.

In the Work Programme, Assigned Organization with the following mark – "※" – before their name are Accredited SDO. If you wish to participate in the JIS drafting process undertaken by Accredited SDO, please access the Accredited SDO website bellow:
Japanese Standards Association (JSA)
https://webdesk.jsa.or.jp/jis/W50M0010?lang=en (Another website)

Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF)
https://www.jisf.or.jp/business/standard/jis/index.html (Another website)

(3)Inquiry and Contact

Innovation and Environment Policy Bureau
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (JISC)
1-3-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8901, Japan

Contact a :International Standardization Division

(phone) +81-3-3501-9277

Contact b :International Electrotechnology Standardization Division


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