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Conformity Assessment Related to JIS


JIS Mark Certification Scheme

[ JIS Mark ]

Businesses that receive certificates of conformity from accredited certification bodies are eligible to display the JIS Mark on their products, electromagnetic record provision documents or service provision documents, etc. All certification bodies accredited for the JIS marking system must be compliant with ISO/IEC 17065. The certification process consists of two elements: evaluation of the conformity of products, electromagnetic records, or services with the relevant JIS, and the evaluation of the quality management system. As of March 2019, there are 24 JIS-accredited certification bodies, including three outside of Japan, which have issued about 8,700 certifications for JIS Marks.


JIS Mark Certification Scheme

[ Certification under the JIS Mark Certification Scheme ]

  1. For procedures in acquiring respective certification, make inquires at accredited certification bodies that provide certification services. Information on accredited certification bodies is available from the List of the Accredited Certification Bodies .

  2. The scheme covers manufacturers or processors (domestic and foreign), importers of products(domestic), retailers of products (domestic), exporters of products (foreign), electromagnetic record developers (domestic and foreign), importers of electromagnetic records by electromagnetic mediums (domestic), retailers of electromagnetic records by electromagnetic mediums (domestic), exporters of electromagnetic records by electromagnetic mediums (foreign), and service providers (domestic and foreign).

[ Certification under the JIS Mark Certification Scheme ]

T he following procedure is necessary in order to receive accreditation for the JIS mark certification body. Please check the relevant law and the ministerial ordinance for details.

  1. Please submit the application form and attached documents(certification manual of JIS, staff list, etc.)to the Japanese government and pay the application fee. These documents must be written in Japanese.

  2. Japanese government staff will inspect these documents and visit your office (including testing laboratories for certification) to assess your certification ability. Evaluation criteria is per the law and ministerial ordinance , ISO/IEC 17065, and JIS (*Only in Japanese).

  3. As a result of these evaluations, if the Japanese government verifies your certification ability, you will be accredited as a certification body of JIS.

  4. After a ccreditation, you will need to receive a similar evaluation every four years.


The Law

〇 Industrial Standardization Act (* Please check Chapter V.)


The Ministerial Ordinances (*Only in Japanese)

〇 鉱工業品又はその加工技術に関する日本産業規格への適合性に関する省令

> Certification of manufacturers, processors, retailers of products, or exporters of products

〇 電磁的記録に関する日本産業規格への適合性に関する省令 

> Certification of electromagnetic record developers, importers of electromagnetic records by electromagnetic mediums, retailers of electromagnetic record by electromagnetic mediums, or exporters of electromagnetic records by electromagnetic mediums.

〇 役務 に関する日本産業規格への適合性に関する省令

>Certification of service providers.


Japan National Laboratory Accreditation System (JNLA)

JNLA is responsible for the Japanese system of assessing and accrediting the competence of testing laboratories to issue test reports based on JIS testing methods.


Contact us

Conformity Assessment Planning Office

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

 Mail: bzl-jasc@meti.go.jp  


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